These dedicated plans have low latencies and are suitable for sustained high CPU and network use, making them ideal for business critical applications and production-ready use cases with high workloads. Use these plans for high-traffic websites and applications, gaming servers, machine learning, and big data processing. With our CCX plans, dedicated vCPUs are cheaper than ever!It's time to take the next step and get your very own dedicated cloud instance to optimize your workload.
In our shared vCPU plans, you share the hardware resources with "neighbors", so your apps are affected by how much neighbors use the vCPU, which can mean changing response times. Shared vCPU plans have the best price-performance ratio. They are suitable for development and production environments with medium levels of traffic and network demand.Use these shared instances for development and test applications with low to medium levels of resource requirements and network traffic. They are ideally suited for small databases, micro services, content management systems or webservers with low to medium traffic.
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